Monday, February 9, 2015

Setting up Raspberry Pi device -

Installing Raspbian OS:

Things required:

  • Raspberry Pi device
  • HDMI monitor 
  • USB Keyboard and Mouse
  • 8GB Sd card with NOOBS installed ( else download it from , extract it and copy it to SD card)
OS Installation:

           Connect your R-Pi devvice to HDMI tv using cable and supply power to the device. you will be displayed with list of OS that are available and that ready to install. Change your country and keyboard layout before you install Raspbian. Now select Raspbian as OS type and click on Install button which is on your top left. Once the installation has taken place it will prompt you to change few settings. Change your password and locality and click finish. Please change default start upp screen (option 2) so that need not provide startx command every time you login to your PI. Now your OS installation is done.

Connecting to WIFI:

Things Required:

  • Wifi dongle

Go to Preferences in Start and select WIFI configuration. Then click on scan button which brings list you  wifi connections that available. Double click on your wifi network and provide passcode in PSK and press connect.

Installing VNC server:

  Make sure  you are connected to network through Wifi or ethernet.

Log in to your Pi and install the Tight VNC Package, before installing make sure you get updates.

Follow below commands:

To update packages:

     Command : $ sudo apt-get updates 

To install VNC server :
   Command :  $ sudo apt-get install tightvncserver

Start VNC server using below command:
   Command : tightvncserver :1

Which will prompt you set a password and optional view only password. 

Now Install Tight VNC on your desktop from the link below:

Now after installation use your R-PI IP address followed by :: and then by your port number. To get IP address type ifconfig in your xterminal.  

So it should look like below. 

<Your Pi IP> ::590* or Your hostname::590*
* here tells you display number. So you should give display number as your port number.

Now try to connect from your client machine providing above mentioned details, which will ask you to provide password. Now you should be able to see your desktop.  

To run VNC server at start-up( boot ) ;

This is to run VNC server during boot process itself, so that we can connect to R-PI device with our laptop itself using VNC client.  

Below link would be help full to run VNC server during boot itself.

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